Smart Skills: Ping Test OvrC Pro Devices for Realtime Connection Status

Video Transcript:

Game Day is coming up this weekend. Grant, one of your customers, calls to tell you he is having 30 people over and wants to make sure his system is ready to go. You would prefer to avoid any potential service calls over the weekend -- especially since you plan to enjoy the game yourself. Even though OvrC checks the status of OvrC Pro devices often….very often…you might want instant verification that the device, say Grant’s AVR, is up and connected RIGHT NOW….THIS VERY SECOND….no waiting for the next check-in. This can provide very up-to-date troubleshooting information.

To remotely check the real-time connection status of OvrC Pro devices and run a ping test to ensure the device is actively communicating with the network, follow these steps:

  • 1. Navigate to the correct customer and location in OvrC.

  • 2. Locate the OvrC Pro device.

  • 3. Refresh Network Connection to Ping Test Device

Step One: Navigate to the correct customer and location in OvrC.

Once logged into OvrC, click List. Find your Customer. Click on the customer name. Let’s access Grant’s account, named the Larsen Home. The Dashboard displays a detailed overview of devices and respective statuses.

Step 2: Locate the OvrC Pro device.

Next, to drill down to specific devices and to check on their status, click the Devices tab. Let’s find that AVR. Scroll through the list and click on the intended device. Here it is the Denon AVR. On the device page, OvrC displays device details like when the device was last seen by the network and how recently a ping test was conducted. In this case, we see that the last ping test was 3 days ago.

Step 3: Refresh Network Connection to Ping Test Device

We want to make sure this AVR is ready for game day. To ensure it is connected right now. Ping test the AVR by clicking on the Refresh Network Connection icon. The banner at the top of the page says “Device Information Refresh in Progress”. After a few moments, the Device Details section will update, showing that the ping test was successful. We know that the AVR is online and ready to go.

Through initiating a Ping Test, OvrC Pro devices in your customer’s project will show realtime connection status. This can eliminate potential connectivity problems ahead of time. You can ensure that Grant will be able to host his watch party free of any problems. And you will be able to watch the game free of any frantic service calls.